Monday, October 3, 2011


So, back a week now from TownCon and thoroughly enjoyed myself. My jumper, not so much. Anyway I ended up taking my Twin-Raven list to TownCon and finished 10th out of 34 which i was pretty happy with, besides finishing 1 place behind skibb-bunny and fellow BA player Caolan, following on from BroCon where I also finished 1 place behind him. I'm determined to take his Best Blood Angels General from him.

So ended up with a total of I believe 78 points, 1 behind Caolan. Finished with 3 Wins, 1 Draw, 1 Loss.

Was quite happy with how it performed, even if the Terminators weren't great (again). That 1 Loss was once again a Grey Knight army this time Piloted by Ralph Risk and not the usual Floody. Ralph was also running Dual-Raven but unlike me had the Fire support to blow my Ravens out of the sky.

The draw was to David "Jiggy" McHugh and his Horde Orks with a Kan wall. Was a brilliant and bloody game which is the type I always look forward to in Tournaments.

The Wins were against 2 Skibb-Bunnies - Cian and Tadghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgh "F" and also against Robert Brennan and his Guard.

I would have been better off taking the DoA list as it is more suited to the 2 mission games than the "Boost and hope for the best" Ravens.

Overall was quite happy and got 72 Rankings Points out of it so wasn't too bad.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

DoA Mk. II Play Testing

Right, so i have been practicing away with my DoA list with every chance I can get now, between learning to place Devastators properly, getting a good spread of FnP and learning what units of mine can take others.

My list is:

Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 4 Plasma Guns
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ 1 Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Scout Squad w/ Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
5 Man Vanguard Squad w/ 2 Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Power Fist
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers

So far I have played three games which have resulted in 3 Wins. Admittedly these had a primary objective of Kill Points but these were randomly rolled for, two of which were Conspiracy (TOWNCON!) missions.

First game was against Hugh "Black Templars!!!!" Murphy who's list was:

Emperors Champion, Suffer not the Witch (I think)
5 Terminators w/ Tank Hunters, 2 Cyclone Launchers, 2 Chainfists

5 Terminators w/ Tank Hunters, 2 Cyclone Launchers, 2 Chainfists
5 Initiates w/ Lascannon, Plasma Gun
5 Initiates w/ Lascannon, Plasma Gun
5 Initiates w/ Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun
Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Smokes, Extra Armour
Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Smokes
2 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons
2 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons
3 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons, 2 Multi-Melta's

Ended up 8-7 to me in Kill Points and a 15-5

Next up was Ivan Sheehan and his "Grey Guard". We played 2 games, one today and one last week. 

His list is: 

Inquisitor w/ Rad Grenades, Hammer Hand
Inquisitor w/ Rad Grenades, Hammer Hand
5 Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Demon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Demon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
Vindicare Assassin
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts

So the first game we played was Spearhead, Annihilation, Capture and Control. I won Primary and drew on secondary, no difference in VP's. 14-6  Win to me.

The second game we played was Dawn of War, Annihilation, Seize Ground ( 3 Objectives with set placement). I won Primary, lost secondary, no difference in VP's. 12-8 Win to me.

So that's 3 for 3 so far. Going well.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

DoA-Ish Mk. II

So at Warpcon 2011 I brought a full DoA list which turned out to have too many bodies and not enough hitting power in combat or any ability at all to challenge terminators.

The list I brought to the best of my memory was this:

Librarian w/ Jump Pack
Librarian w/ Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Thunder Hammer, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Thunder Hammer, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Thunder Hammer, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Vanguard Squad w/ Jump Packs, 4 Storm Shields, 2 Lightning Claws, Power Fist
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ Jump Packs, Combi-Melta's

I know this list is short in points but it's the best i can remember from it. It got 2 Wins and 3 Losses, so not the best.

So after Warpcon I decided to try out Ravens as they had just been released and have since been playing a double raven list as is detailed in my first post. And now a few weeks ago I was chatting to some of the lads in an attempt to get me back playing DoA, except this time with fire support and an anti-terminator squad.

The original list was this (as much as i can remember)

Librarian w/ Jump Pack
Librarian w/ Jump Pack
Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 4 Plasma Guns
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ 1 Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Vanguard w/ 4 Meltabombs, Power Weapon
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers

I then went about testing this list out after playing a few games with the above:

Librarian w/ Jump Pack
Librarian w/ Jump Pack
Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 3 Plasma Guns
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ 1 Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Assault Squad w/ Meltagun
5 Man Vanguard w/ Jump Packs, 4 Meltabombs, Power Fist
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers

What I then discovered after playing this list against a friend of mine running Possessed of all things in his chaos list (which tabled the above list) that it had no combat punch. At all. The marines are fine against anything non-MEQ but when they do come up against MEQ or any half decent combat unit I.e Purifiers, Grey Hunters, then they just simply fall down. With this (as well as chatting to Merv from Touched by Greatness) I decided to put my favourite unit into the list as I now tend to deploy everything on the board is.......... Mephiston!

So now the list is:

Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 4 Plasma Guns
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ 1 Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Scout Squad w/ Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
5 Man Vanguard Squad w/ 2 Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Power Fist
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers

So with Mephiston in I now have a unit that can take on other combat units as well as some more CC potential from the Vanguard. The scouts (my 2nd favourite unit in the 'Dex) will tend to hug cover with 2++ saves as wellas popping off the odd Missile Launcher shot. The Priest will also go here to try and best provide FnP to the Devs.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

40K Tournament Season 2011 List.

Hello all,

My first post on this here blog is to do with my current Blood Angel tournament list that I have been using to pretty good success at the 2011 Tournament season in Ireland.

The list is as follows:

Blood Angels 1750

5 Assault Terminators w/ 5 Thunder Hammers + Storm Shields
Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons
Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Scout Squad w/ 5 Sniper Rifles, Camo Camo Cloaks, Melta Bomb
Storm Raven Gunship w/ Twin Linked Assault Cannons, Twin Linked Multi-Melta, Extra Armour
Storm Raven Gunship w/ Twin Linked Assault Cannons, Twin Linked Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

As I said above this list had a pretty good success rate which out of 3 Tournaments that I brought it to it has:

9 Wins
3 Losses
1 Draw

Those 3 Losses were to:

Richard Flood of the Warheads, Grey Knights
Richard Flood of the Warheads, Grey Knights
Richard Flood of the Warheads, Grey Knights

So as you can see there is a bit of a trend as to who I've lost to in Tournaments.

The list itself is hard hitting with units like Mephiston, Assault Terminators and the 2 Furioso's are all capable of killing other Elite units and/or Vehicles.

The list has been constantly criticized about the lack of scoring but from my experiences I have found that 25 scoring troops, of which 5 can have 2++ cover saves and all 25 of them can have Fearless that they can be reliable in taking and holding an objective.

Thanks for reading all and any comments/criticism is welcome!