My list is:
Honour Guard w/ Jump Packs, 4 Plasma Guns
2 Sanguinary Priests w/ 1 Jump Pack
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
10 Man Assault Squad w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns
5 Man Scout Squad w/ Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
5 Man Vanguard Squad w/ 2 Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Power Fist
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
5 Man Devastator Squad w/ 4 Missile Launchers
So far I have played three games which have resulted in 3 Wins. Admittedly these had a primary objective of Kill Points but these were randomly rolled for, two of which were Conspiracy (TOWNCON!) missions.
First game was against Hugh "Black Templars!!!!" Murphy who's list was:
Emperors Champion, Suffer not the Witch (I think)
5 Terminators w/ Tank Hunters, 2 Cyclone Launchers, 2 Chainfists
5 Terminators w/ Tank Hunters, 2 Cyclone Launchers, 2 Chainfists
5 Initiates w/ Lascannon, Plasma Gun
5 Initiates w/ Lascannon, Plasma Gun
5 Initiates w/ Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun
Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Smokes, Extra Armour
Predator w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Smokes
2 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons
2 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons
3 Land Speeders w/ Typhoons, 2 Multi-Melta's
Ended up 8-7 to me in Kill Points and a 15-5
Next up was Ivan Sheehan and his "Grey Guard". We played 2 games, one today and one last week.
His list is:
Inquisitor w/ Rad Grenades, Hammer Hand
Inquisitor w/ Rad Grenades, Hammer Hand
5 Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Demon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Demon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
Vindicare Assassin
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
5 Grey Knights w/ Psycannon, Razorback, Psybolts, Dozer Blade
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts
Dreadnought w/ 2 x Auto Cannons, Psybolts
So the first game we played was Spearhead, Annihilation, Capture and Control. I won Primary and drew on secondary, no difference in VP's. 14-6 Win to me.
The second game we played was Dawn of War, Annihilation, Seize Ground ( 3 Objectives with set placement). I won Primary, lost secondary, no difference in VP's. 12-8 Win to me.
So that's 3 for 3 so far. Going well.